12 Complete Level 4 – HSK® Tes

by Practice To Success PTS



Level 4 corresponds to an intermediate level (level B2 of the CECRL).ListeningThe HSK 4 lasts 105 minutes. It includes the same sections as the HSK 3 (Listening, Reading, Writing). It evaluates candidates on their ability to discuss a wide range of topics and to have a fluid conversation with natives.The HSK 4 can be obtained with a minimum score of 180. Like level 3, the maximum score is 300, with 100 points allotted to each section of the exam.The structure of the Listening section is as follows:- 3 exercises with 45 questions- 30 minutes to respond to the questions, then 5 minutes to select the responses on your answer sheet- each audio extract will only be played 1 timeReadingThe HSK 4 lasts 105 minutes. It includes the same sections as the HSK 3 (Listening, Reading, Writing). It evaluates candidates on their ability to discuss a wide range of topics and to have a fluid conversation with natives.The HSK 4 can be obtained with a minimum score of 180. Like level 3, the maximum score is 300, with 100 points allotted to each section of the exam.The structure of the Reading section is as follows:- 3 exercises with 40 questions- 40 minutes to respond to the questions (you will write your responses directly on the answer sheet)- all the sentences are written only with Chinese characters